
No colorful beautiful sunrise this morning. The only good thing is that #abseconcreek in front of my world, Absecon Bay Sportsmen Center is glassy calm for almost the first time since the Friday before last. Unfortunately that won't last long. The forecast has a stiff breeze still out of the North East continuing for several more days. At least the rain seems to be over for a week. The tide at sunrise is already approaching normal high and it won't be full high here until 10 o'clock.12237296678?profile=RESIZE_710xTomorrow looks like it might actually be a fishing day . Even in the wind I have gotten a start on the fall Fishing. Monday I made a quick solo exploratory trip and did find some hungry Bonus slot sized Stripers and celebrated with a Beer Batter Fried Striped Bass Dinner. Thursday the wind blew harder than forecast. However I did make a good trip with Joe Lanza. Three Stripers saw the inside of the boat. Two 26" fish stayed with New Jersey Bonus Tags and one 25" stripers went home wearing a Gray Fish Tag Research green tag.12237299053?profile=RESIZE_710x
What to do today. #1 get those Honey Dews Done. I really feel that once the water straightens out that loads of bait and stripers will have hitched a ride on the southerly flow. We should see fantastic striper fishing for the next three months and you don't want that list to slow you down when conditions are right.
If you do get some time you might just want to stop by the shop and check out the latest Back Bay Striper Gear. Or even just talk about fishing and especially the upcoming Battle of the Back Bay, $10,000, Catch, Video and Release Tournament coming up on Veterans Day Weekend. go to www.battleofthebackbay.com to get all the information and sign up. Remember that TODAY is the last day to enter for $500. Tomorrow the price goes up to $650. Also the entries are limited to 30 boats and that will fill up fast!
If you can fish this weekend We Got The Bait and will be open until six every day rain or shine. Hope to see you soon. 609-484-0409 for information or just if you want to talk fishing on a dreary day.

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