Labor Day is not the end, but the Beginning!

Here we are at a major change in the annual calendar.  It is Labor Day, the unofficial end of the Summer Season.  The period where humans are supposed to enjoy the warmth and the sun and relax just a little before the start of serious cooler weather pursuits such as work.  However, if you work in a business that supports the “Pleasure of the Masses”, such as Recreational Fishing this is the busy time.  You think, maybe, just maybe there will be a little break just around the corner and there will be time to do some fishing yourself.

The truth is that Labor Day Weekend is only the start of some of the best fishing of the year.  We went through the period of the full moon late last week and the effect of the moon’s gravity has huge effect of the oceans and weather systems that control the tides, winds, waves, and the actions of our finned quarry.  Last week there were several hurricanes blowing around the Atlantic Ocean, luckily, they did not directly enter our South Jersey.  It seems like some cold front disturbances from the north kept them pushed to the south, where they belong.  Their power was felt by the swells that they pushed up onto out shores and kept many anglers off the Ocean.  Now as we approach the Last quarter, conditions have calmed, and the Oceans and Bays are most inviting. 

The month of September is one of the best for fishing overall.  The young of the year baitfish have grown enough to tempt even the most particular predators.  Peanut Bunker are bite sized meals for Flounder, Weakfish, Bluefish and Striped Bass.  The Spearing Biomass is so thick that even the largest gamefish will just attack the schools and come up with a mouthful.  The finger mullet have pushed out of the ocean and into the back bays feeding up for their migration.  At the same time all the bait is being pursued by the gamefish that are trying to fatten up for the upcoming winter. 

September is definitely not the off season and I hope that you take time to experience some of the fantastic fishing that is available.  When you aren’t fishing be sure to keep checking in here on , share your reports and photos ask your questions and maybe you will pick up enough information to make your fishing experiences more pleasurable.  I will do my best to put my thoughts and help you out with any questions that show up anywhere on these pages. 

Let’s make the Anglers Network USA one of the best changes that comes around this September and I’ll do my part, please join in.

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